As the date approaches within days now, I get all kinds of feedback from people in my life and the general public. People on the street I meet are actually quite stressed and worried. They truly believe something bad is coming. But is it as "bad" as the Y2K bug, which never presented itself, or the foretelling of massive solar and weather events, that we seem to be a part of this past decade. This being the year of celestial events more then ever before. I've been witness to solar and lunar eclipses, the "Monster Moon", longest periods of heat waves, massive hurricanes and storms, planetary alignments and the granddaddy of them all - the galactic alignment on 12-21-12.
I have read the book by Lawrence E. Joseph titled, "Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into Civilization's End". The main fact being, that the author was a reporter for the science magazine, Omni, for decades, and has some very interesting scientific facts to back up the 2012 predictions.
The main thing always being that the Sun will have some type of massive outpouring of energy. Here is an excerpt of some facts from the book:
"Although the date would stump most trivia buffs, September 2, 1859, is when the greatest magnetic storm ever recorded hit the Earth. It is also the date likeliest to be replayed in 2012, with one important difference: this time, the devastation will be colossal.
The Carrington event, named after Richard Carrington, the amateur British astronomer who took the lead in observing and explaining it, was actually a one-two punch that uppercut the Earth over the course of a week. The first of the two massive solar explosions began forming some-time in mid-August 1859, when an unusually large sunspot appeared on the northwest portion of the Sun's face. On August 27, it erupted like a zit, shooting out a Moon-sized glob of plasma, or supercharged gas. Such blasts are known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
The first cosmic croissant of the Carrington event hit Earth the next day, August 28, 1859, causing some of the most beautiful auroras ever seen. The northern lights don't normally extend down to Havana, Cuba, but this time they did, making the sky there appear as though it were stained with blood and on fire.
On September 1, 1859, the Sun erupted again, even more furiously. According to scientists' reconstructions, the second Carrington CME was dozens of times more powerful than average, weighing in at about 10 billion tons and 10 trillion trillion watts (trillions of times more than the sum total of all electrical, mechanical, combustible, muscular, animal, and plant energy than has been produced or consumed in the history of the planet). Traveling at about 5 million miles per hour, it was also one of the fastest ever recorded. Think of a tennis ball machine suddenly rifling out a (molten, radioactive) basketball.
At 4:50 GMT on September 2, 1859, the second and by far the more powerful Carrington CME barreled into the Earth, fifteen to twenty hours behind the SEP shockwave it had detonated. The CME made quite a splash in the headlines, sizzling telegraph wires, causing fires, and filling the sky with an auroral glow that made midnight as bright as noon."
Now, I could go into the doomsday outcome of all this being that we as a modern society, rely very much on Electricity. Virtually, EVERYTHING! Ever watch the NBC television series, "REvolution"?
But as I gather with my new friends in peace and love, I longer worry about any of this. IF, it plays out like some scientists think it will, then not much I or anyone can do, but start over and maybe this time, for the better. But.....
what if it really is a cosmic and spiritual evolution to a higher form of conscience.
They say, discoveries in science and technology, multiple by the power of 7 each year, with the knowledge amassing from the beginning of civilization to the present year. And then that multiples by 7 again ever year!!! So realistically, we are looking at the cure for all diseases, world hunger, energy problems, space explorations...within just the next few years and not decades and centuries as we used to think!
I found this video online and it really made me happy. It describes the possible solar energy burst from the Sun as "God's Drop". I find that analogy comforting. I now look forward to this "event" with new eyes and openness to the universal message.
I say, "Go With The Flow". Not very enlightening, but to the point.
I plan on making a trip, maybe to the desert, to witness this new day with open eyes and thankfulness. My best memory this year was being at Bhakti Fest, and meeting up with Shiva Rae to do early morning meditation. We sat on the desert floor looking East, and waited for the sun to rise and be thankful for our life, or planet, our surroundings. It was a beautiful sight to behold, knowing that it was a new day and new life and for being thankful for everything we have in our lives. It was a resurrection within each of us.
So if any of you would like to join me on my morning meditation on 12-21-12 and welcome a new day, a new thoughtfulness, a new look on life...then let me know.
And even if the world is engulfed in flames from a massive solar event...wouldn't that be an awesome sight to behold!